Search results

(1 - 20 of 48)


Dissection of the brain
Dissection of the brain
Dissection of the brain
Dissection of brain, with cranial nerves, and brainstem
Base of skull, cranial fossa, brain and choroid plexus
Base of skull, cranial fossa and cranial sinuses
Dissection of the brain
Brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves
Dissection of the brain
Brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, cranial nerves
Stomach neoplasms
Dissection of the neck and thorax
Lumbar spine, sacrum, pelvic bones, lumbosacral plexus
Dissection of the thorax, vagus nerve, posterior view
Organs of the abdomen and nerves
Human brain with arachnoid, spinal cord of a cow
Leg and foot bones, clubfoot
Arteries and veins of a tadpole and a salamander, blood cells of a human and a frog
