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(1 - 20 of 94)


Respiratory system
Anatomy of the heart, pulmonary blood vessels
Heart and lungs
Arteries and veins of the body, portal system, heart and lungs, male and female urogenital tract
Heart and blood vessels, lungs and trachea
Heart and lungs
Deltoid muscle, heart and heart valves, jugular vein
Heart and papillary muscles, carotid and vertebral arteries, and skull and brain, with cranial sinuses
Heart, abnormal
Arteries and veins
Heart, lungs, trachea and laryngeal cartilages
Muscles of the body, organs of the thorax and abdomen
Veins and arteries
Infant heart, abnormal
Heart, abnormal
Pathways of the vagus nerve, with brain, spinal cord, eye, tongue, heart, stomach, respiratory muscles
Heart and arteries, dissection of the arm and leg
Aneurysm of the aorta and the popliteal artery
