Search results

(1 - 20 of 40)


Herniated intestine and peritoneum
Inguinal hernias
Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia
Muscles and arteries of the neck, shoulder and arm
Muscles and arteries of the thigh
Ligaments, and muscles surrounding the femoral ring
Ligaments, and muscles surrounding the femoral ring; truss
Truss for inguinal hernia
Pelvis; pelvic bones, sacrum, intestines and rectum
Male urogenital system, with inguinal hernia
Male urogenital system, with inguinal hernia
Male urogenital system
Male urogenital system
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and the femoral artery
Muscles and arteries of of the neck, shoulder and back
Male urogenital system, with inguinal hernia
Arteries of the neck, shoulder and arm
Aneurysm of the carotid artery
Aneurysm of the aorta
