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(1 - 15 of 15)
Dissection of the face and neck
Dissection of the eyes and skull, with optic and trigeminal nerves
Lymphatic drainage in the cranial fossa, thoracic duct and subclavian duct with subclavian and jugular veins
Eye, oculomotor muscles, optic nerve
Cranial nerves, cranial fossa
Skull base and brain
Base of skull with dura mater
Brain and cranial nerves
Base of skull; cranial fossa with cranial nerves and cranial sinuses
Skull, bones of the skull, femur
Base of skull, cranial fossa, brain and choroid plexus
Dissection of the face and neck
Microcephaly, anencephaly and hydrocephaly; spina bifida
Base of skull with dura mater
Cranial sinuses