Search results

(1 - 20 of 59)


Heart, inferior vena cava, renal vein, kidney, aorta
Hepatic veins, portal system, inferior vena cava
Veins, portal system, hepatic veins, superior and inferior vena cava
Dissection of the abdomen
Intercostal muscles, diaphragm
Inferior vena cava, abnormal; from a dog
Liver, gallbladder
Posterior view of heart, with blood vessels
Jugular veins and vena cava of humans, dogs, cows
Structures of the neck and thorax, azygos vein
Heart, inferior and superior vena cava, and aorta
Dissection of the thorax
Dissection of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis
Heart, superior and inferior vena cava, and aorta
Dissection of the abdomen; diaphragm, kidney, aorta and inferior vena cava
Dissection of the thorax and abdomen, pleura and peritoneum
Stomach and vagus nerve
Stomach, duodenum, liver, gastroepiploic arteries and veins
