Search results

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Dissection of the neck and thorax in mice and frogs
Thorax; heart and lungs
Organs of the thorax and abdomen, non human; heart and lungs of the human fetus
Dissection of the thorax
Dissection of the neck and thorax, nerves
Dissection of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis
Abdominal and thoracic organs
Location of viscera in vivo
Dissection of the thorax and abdomen
Thorax - heart and lung
Veins of the neck, thorax and abdomen
Nerves of the thorax
Thorax; heart, lungs and thymus gland
Dissection of the thorax and abdomen
Arteries of the head, thorax, abdomen and groin
Lymphatic drainage of the head, neck, thorax and axilla
Dissection of the thorax and abdomen, phrenic nerve, brachial plexus, cervical plexus
Thorax; heart and lungs
Dissection of the thorax and abdomen
Abdominal and thoracic organs, testis of a neonate
