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(1 - 20 of 143)


Uterus, placenta and fetus
Organs of the thorax and abdomen of the fetus
Placenta, umbilical cord, liver, gallbladder, umbilical vein and portal system
Uterus, fetus and placenta
Uterus, fetus and placenta
Fetus, placenta, fetal heart and lungs
Female genitalia, with placenta and fetus
Eggs, fetus, fetal membranes, placenta, and umbilical cord
Placental and fetal membranes; maternal side
Cesarean section
Dissection of the uterus
Dissection of the uterus, twin fetuses
Fetus in transverse lie, umbilical cord prolapse
Delivery of the fetus, footling breech presentation
Pregnant woman, fetus and chorion
Pregnant woman, fetus and placenta
Uterus, pregnant woman
Delivery of the fetus from an abnormal pelvis
Gravid uterus, fetus, during delivery
Delivery of the fetus
