Search results

(1 - 20 of 78)


Arteries and veins of the body
Arteries of the body
Arteries supplying the head
Arteries and veins of the body, portal system, heart and lungs, male and female urogenital tract
Arteries of the body
Dissection of uterus
Veins and arteries
Muscles and arteries of of the neck, shoulder and back
Muscles and arteries of of the neck, shoulder and back
Genitalia, male, perineum
Genitalia, male, perineum
Muscles, arteries, veins and nerves of the pelvis
Nerves, muscles, arteries and veins of the arm and hand
Arteries of the leg
Dissection of the head and neck
Arteries and veins of the head
Sections of the dermis with blood vessels and lymphatics
Ear; labyrinth, vestibulocochlear nerve, blood and nerve supply to the external ear
