Search results

(1 - 20 of 27)


Dissection of the brain with lateral and 3rd cerebral ventricles
Dissection of the brain with lateral and 3rd cerebral ventricles
Dissection of the brain
Sciatic nerve in a frog
Branches of the facial nerve of a human and an ox
Brachial plexus, dissection of the shoulder and arm
Fetus, anencephaly
Vestibulocochlear nerve, retina of the eye
Dissection of the nasopharynx and olfactory nerve, in human and sheep
Trigeminal nerve ganglion
Sympathetic nerves, cervical ganglion, and splanchnic nerves with plexus
Brachial plexus
Cervical gangion of a sheep and ox
Sympathetic ganglia of an ox
Conjoined twins of a cat
Radial nerve
Conjoined twins
Child with anencephaly, dissection of the abnormal brain, dissection of the brachial plexus
Dissection of the brain and brainstem
Dura mater, pia mater, cortex and brainstem, sections of peripheral nerve and muscles
