Search results

(1 - 20 of 243)


Stomach ulcer
Bone neoplasms on the skull
Stomach ulcer
Breast cancer; male patient
Umbilical hernia
Ovarian cysts; dermoid cysts
Enteric intussusception; internal prolapse of the small intestine
Bone neoplasms, on the pelvic bones and femur
Melanoma affecting the heart
Varicose veins, inflammation in the hand
Hemorrhage, inflammation and abscess in muscle
Heart diseases; aortal aneurysms, endocarditis
Neonatal diseased lung, thymus and pancreas
Varicose veins, portal vein
Stomach affected by cholera
Intestines affected by cholera
Bladder and prostate disease; bladder calculi, and enlarged prostate
Ovarian cysts; dermoid cysts
Diaphragmatic hernia
Neoplasms of the sympathetic ganglia
