Search results

(41 - 60 of 132)


Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the neck and thorax
Laryngeal cartilages
Heart, lungs, trachea and laryngeal cartilages
Heart, lungs, trachea and laryngeal cartilages
Dissection of the thorax
Dissection of the thorax
Larynx, laryngeal cartilages
Heart, lungs, trachea and laryngeal cartilages
Dissection of thorax and abdomen
Dissection of the head, neck and pharynx
Aneurysm of the carotid and basilar artery
Dissection of the larynx and mouth
Heart and lungs
Brain, esophagus, stomach, tongue and trachea
Brain, esophagus, stomach, tongue and trachea
Dissection of the neck, shoulder, arm, elbow and hand, in cross-section
Brain with cranial nerves, vagus nerve, trachea and spinal cord and spinal nerves
Laryngeal cartilages, male urogenital system
Dissection of the neck
Trachea and laryngeal cartilages
