Search results

(4,241 - 4,260 of 4,338)


Uterus, placenta and umbilical cord
Male urogenital system
Bones of the skull
Muscles and tendons of the pelvis, leg and foot
Male urogenital system
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and the femoral artery
Ligature of the carotid, subclavian and brachial artery
Ligature of the subclavian and axillary artery
Shoulder muscles, rotator cuff
Arteries of the neck and thorax
Muscles of the pelvis and pelvic floor
Shoulder muscles, rotator cuff
Neck and pharyngeal muscles.
Pharyngeal muscles
Diseased pharynx and esophagus with thrush, and esophagus with tumors
Hydatids of the liver
Radius and ulna
Scapula and clavicle
Sacrum and coccyx
Sternum and ribs
