Search results

(81 - 100 of 168)


Ablation of excess bone from the humerus, occipital bone; surgery to create an artificial hip joint
Infant with rash and pustules of the face and arm
Lymphatic system of the neck, thorax and arm
Fractured arm resulting in osteonecrosis, and aneurysm. Posterior view
Ligature of the carotid, subclavian and brachial artery
Jar containing the hand of a fetus, a testicle, portion of skin and blood vessels
Jars containing a fish, a child's arm and a turtle
Nerves of the arm and hand
Bones of the arm
Muscles of the arm
Bones and muscles of the arm and hand
Veins of the arm
Muscles of the arm
Axillary lymph nodes, lymphatic venules of the arm
Arteries of the neck, shoulder and arm
Nerves, muscles, and tendons of the shoulder, arm and hand
Nerves, muscles, arteries and veins of the arm and hand
Nerves, muscles, and tendons of the shoulder, arm and hand
Brachial plexus, spinal cord and spinal nerves, dissection of the thorax, shoulder and arm
