Search results

(81 - 100 of 132)


Acephalocysts; tapeworm infection in the liver
Acephalocysts; tapeworm infection in the liver
Spina bifida
Ovarian cysts; dermoid cysts
Rectal prolapse
Neoplasms of the cerebellum and brainstem
Melanoma on the epidermis of the hand
Heart rupture
Aortic aneurysm
Herniated lung, rib malformation
Aneurysm, shown with heart
Malformed fetus, holoprosencephaly
Diseased stomach and large intestine
Foot and leg abnormalities, clubfoot
Spinal cord neoplasms
Diseased spinal cord and cerebellum
Aortic, mesenteric and vertebral aneurysms
Heart diseases
Heart neoplasms
Heart neoplasms
