Search results

(81 - 100 of 106)


Veins of the leg and foot
Veins of the leg
Veins of the spine
Cutaneus nerves and veins of the arms
Veins of the face
Deep veins of the face, and nasopharynx
Superficial arteries of the posterior arm, veins in the cubital fossa
Dissection of the gravid uterus
Dissection of the postpartem uterus
Popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes and lymphatic venules, muscles, arteries and veins of the groin and leg, male genitalia
Abdominal muscles, veins of the arm
Veins of the arm
Nerves of the arm and leg, veins
Arteries and veins of the body
Head, jugular vein, facial veins
Dissection of the male perineum
Dissection of the arm and elbow
Veins and arteries, with heart and liver
Superficial veins of the axilla and arm
Veins and arteries of the hand
