Search results

(81 - 100 of 103)


Healed amputations
Amputation of the forearm
Ligature of the femoral artery
Resection of the knee joint
Resection of the shoulder joint
Amputation of the hand
Ligature of popliteal artery
Brain, cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord
Surgery to expose and remove bone
Amputation of the leg, dislocation of the hip
Ligature of the iliac artery
Extraction of bullets from bone, surgery for fractured femur and tibia
Ligature of the brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries
Ligature of the carotid, subclavian and axillary artery
Brain and spinal cord
Brain and spinal cord
Base of skull with dura mater
Brain and cervical spinal cord
Brain and cranial nerves
